Upload and Share Your Files

Upload your Images, documents, music, and video in a single place and access them anywhere and share them everywhere.


With Purple Files, managing your documents has never been easier! Imagine having all your vital papers, photos, PDFs, and even music and videos organized and accessible from any device, anytime, anywhere.

Unlimited Storage

Unlimited Storage

Never worry about running out of space for your files. Enjoy unlimited storage to keep all your important media and documents in one secure location.

Fast Upload

Fast Upload

Experience lightning-fast upload speeds, ensuring your files are available when needed without long waiting times.

Share Anywhere

Share Anywhere

Easily share your files with friends, family, or colleagues no matter where they are. Sharing makes it seamless and hassle-free.

Multiple Uploads

Multiple Uploads

Effortlessly upload multiple files at once, saving you time and hassle. Whether it’s a batch of photos or a collection of documents, Purple Files handles it all seamlessly.

File Manager

File Manager

Organize your files with an intuitive file manager. Sort, search, and categorize your content with ease, ensuring you can always find what you need when you need it.

File Encryption

File Encryption

All your files are encrypted, providing an extra layer of protection to keep your sensitive information safe from unauthorized access.

Latest blog posts

Welcome to our blog! Explore a variety of articles about file sharing, whether you're sending or receiving files. Learn important tips on security and compliance. Join us and stay updated!

10 Game-Changing File Management Hacks for Seamless Collabor...

Are you drowning in a sea of digital clutter? Struggling to find that crucial document when you need it most? You're not...

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10 Essential File Sharing Integrations for Slack: Boost Prod...

Slack is a great tool for team communication. It helps teams stay connected and organized. But did you know you can make...

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Best Real-Time File Sharing Tools for Remote Teams

Working with a remote team can be exciting but challenging. One of the biggest challenges is sharing files in real time....

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Your Frequently Asked Questions About Uploading, Managing, and Securing Files

To upload files, simply click the "Upload" button and select the files you want to upload from your device. You can also drag and drop files directly into the upload area for convenience.

Yes, your data is protected with advanced encryption methods. This ensures that your sensitive information remains secure and is only accessible by you or those you share it with.

To manage your files on Purple Files, you'll first need to sign up and create an account. After registration, you can access the file manager, which allows you to efficiently sort, categorize, and handle your files, as well as view all your previously uploaded documents.

Absolutely! Purple Files is designed for cross-device accessibility. You can access your files from any device with internet connectivity, including smartphones, tablets, and computers.

Contact Us

If you have any inquiries or require additional assistance, don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re here to support you! Simply fill out the form and send it.

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Max File Size 100.00 MB / Files available for 1 day

Drag and drop or click here to upload

You can also browse from your computer

Password protection

The password helps protect your file from public accessing

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